Exploiting the tremendous wealth of catalysis research data together - that's the aim of the new initiative of the German Catalysis Society (GeCatS). In a recently published white paper „The Digitalization of Catalysis-Related Sciences“ experts from academia and industry outline how "digital catalysis" could accelerate research and lead to new knowledge.
Catalysis is a key technology. The acceleration of research and development is therefore important. The newly published white paper outlines development needs and pathways for a joint research data infrastructure, but analyses also potential hurdles.
The paper is available at www.dechema.de/Digitale_Katalyse.
Update 19 February 2020:
Within the framework of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the consortium NFDI4Cat is an initiative driven by GeCatS for the representation of catalysis-relevant sciences. A core target of NFDI4Cat is the transformation of catalysis-related sciences into “digital catalysis”, following the strategy outlined in the whitepaper. NFDI4Cat organizes a workshop on 12 March 2020 within the context of the 53. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker to give insights about the objectives and structure of NFDI4Cat and to discuss with the catalysis community needs and requirements resulting in a common agenda.